Change Windows 10 Icons Size: Possible Ways

Not everyone feels complacent with small icons size and neither with the large ones consistently; likewise, commonality with lousy sight and elderly persons struggle with font size often. However, icons size aid significantly as they are partially composed of graphical depiction, although it is near to impossible that anyone who is inconsiderable when it comes to reading the icon title, yet the graphical illustration of icons holds immense significance. Thus, Windows 10 OS ables the user to enhance or contract the icon size. There is a natural mechanism for almost every icon available in the PC to arrange accordingly and adjust to appropriate size.For frequent techies, it is entirely a tiresome job to modify the figures change their sizes or so, but somehow the neophytes mostly struggle with these minor details. For instance, a Mac user happens to operate the Windows Operating system; it can be a quite challenging chore for Mac users to modify and perform subordinary tasks. Because, Mac operating system has an entirely different layout, which can put a new Windows user into a hassle and consumer might end up frustrated. Despite the fact, there is no rocket science involved, but the neophytes might struggle the very first time.

Conjointly, the tech users who have cluttered desktop Windows and have to keep various icons on forever to access them at any moment, it is ideal for them to maintain the icons and to create extra space and manage it, below-mentioned information will enable them to tidy up their screen. In such manner, the following instruction and photographs will demonstrate about the increment and decrease in the Windows 10 icon size, as a picture is worth a 1000 words. The below-mentioned tutorial will permit the newbies and can prove beneficial when required; also it can show convenient multiple times as they enable the user to access and recognize the apropos program effortlessly.

Changing (Increasing/Reducing) Icons Size in Windows 10:

First Method

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The best solution to control the icons size is available on the comfort of Windows desktop. First of all, RIGHT CLICK anywhere on your windows screen except the application icons, until the drop-down menu appears.
Glide the cursor over the VIEW option in the menu as displayed below and the side menu will appear. It will show a black dot beside the presently selected icon size, Simply choose from the options whether you would like to change the icon size to LARGE ICONS or MEDIUM ICONS if they’re chosen to SMALL ICONS previously, as in the picture above. As a result, the icons will respectively change to the picked size.

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The illustration above clearly demonstrates the increment in the icon size from SMALL ICONS to MEDIUM ICONS. Correspondingly, switch to the further higher icons size, by determining the LARGE ICONS option.

However, personally, I would not recommend small ICON SIZE for large-resolution Computer screens unless there is an urgent requirement or so, aforementioned screen sizes are found to be splendidly displayed with MEDIUM ICONS size. Notwithstanding, the small icon does give an intuitive, clean glimpse and would be ideal if the screen is crowded with icons.

Second Method

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Likewise, there are more options to enlarge or shrink the icon size on the desktop. Users can implement these procedures to help themselves. Described below is the way change the icons size on the desktop by considering the Windows 10 zooming options. The “Scale and Layout” section is the part where the custom scaling can be done quickly. 

  • RIGHT CLICK the empty space on the desktop, a drop-down menu will appear with multiple options, as demonstrated in the screenshot.
  • Select the DISPLAY SETTINGS option, and it will lead towards a settings windows containing several options, select a box with diversified percentages under the heading of CHANGE THE SIZE OF TEXT, APPS AND, OTHER ITEMS option, as soon as you click on it a list of different percentages will be visible.
  • Choose from the list of Number with percentage signs and set the desired size of the apps keeping in mind that, higher the number, bigger the change is size will be, similarly with the decrease in number the size of icons will decrease proportionally.
  • Displayed below is a graphical illustration, clearly showing the proportional change in icons with the high or low numbers respectively.
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Per contra, mentioned is another method to adjust the icon proportion, comparatively this method requires a bit of manual hassle to achieve the desired result, but not tiresome at all. It may seem a lengthy process analogously, but it enables the user to execute multiple changes by these settings.

The aforementioned method shows a visible difference of the modulation in size; however, this method will implement the settings on text, size, and other applications as well.  Moreover, large percentages have relatively bigger and uncomforting icon size, so do the smaller numbers. Although the user can change the size and settings, it is suggested to use the settings recommended by the computer, howbeit, if there is a disability regarding eyesight, etc., then the user may set it accordingly. The recommended configuration provides the best view for the users with no such impairment, that’s the reason behind them being highly endorsed.

Changing Icons Size Using the Touchpad or Mouse Scroll:

Third Method This method of changing icon size is so peculiar to Windows 10 operating system and makes up just one of those reasons it is so much preferred over earlier versions of itself and its charm in winning over many Windows-based operating system users. Without further ado, I will walk you through the process, trust me; it’s a straightforward one. Do well to follow the steps highlighted below.

  • Go to Desktop and hover the cursor onto a free area of the screen.
    Ensure the touchpad is clean and free of any particles that could affect its sensitivity.
  • Hold “Ctrl”.
    Place both fingers on the one side of the touchpad, say left side.
  • Slide towards either left or right side of the touchpad to reduce icon size. The reduction effect on the size of the icons are displayed in real time and can be visualized immediately.
  • With the same fingers on the left side of the touchpad still in place, slide towards the right on the free space of the touchpad to increase icon size. In status quo, the effect of the varying icon size is displayed in real time and seen instantly.
    With the starting and static fingers on the right, the act of moving fingers will swerve from right to left on the left and free area of the touchpad.
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Changing Taskbar Icons Size:

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Regardless of screen resolution, some people might not want to see “Windows 10” default taskbar icons; probably they seem pretty zoomed by default. The options to play with taskbar icons size never abound, but there is a way to get them reduced to a considerable extent. There might be a potential reason to make content smaller on the taskbar, as there would be more apps accommodated within the bar which are readily accessible with a click. The taskbar doesn’t only play as a bar to host ongoing tasks, rather a convenient way to have multiple applications “on the go.” Well! The process is quite simple rather, all it requires a “RIGHT CLICK THE TASKBAR” on the empty region (without any app showing up) and click “TASKBAR SETTINGS.” Next, turn the “USE SMALL TASKBAR BUTTONS” one and there you go.

Windows Explorer

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Open a Windows screen MY COMPUTER / THIS PC as titled on your PC, some people might have named this icon under their names or desired titles. Use your Finger and a Thumb, similarly in a way you Zoom In or Zoom Out on Mobile or other touch devices. Use your Touchpad to perform this function, as soon as you move both the finger and thumb outward, it will result in the increment of icon sizes, and if implemented inversely it will decrease the icon size. However, the process can be performed using any finger as well; it is more convenient with the help of thumb.

The method mentioned above is quite convenient to change icon size comfortably; this method even permits the user to list the icons in a list or thumbnails; however, this tutorial only demonstrates about increment or decrease in icon size.


Last Updated By on April 12th, 2018 in Windows10

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