Understanding the Roles of Game Dev Professionals

By: Jav Zeb Iqbal.
Last Updated: January 09, 2022.

A text about stereotypes and mistakes that are common in IT.  About the fact that a developer is a specialist who writes code, and a team leader is not just a team leader.

Before starting, it is important to clarify that if you need to implement a cool project, you can safely turn to outsource game development at Whimsygames.

Role Groups

 Roles in IT can be divided into several sections:

  •  By activity, by responsibility; and by workload.

Separation by activity

  •  Manufacturers, managers, and reviewers.

Separation by responsibility

 No responsibility, with responsibility for the quality, and with financial responsibility.

Separation by purpose

 * Hired for the position;

 * Grown in a team.



  •  Is engaged in the production of software algorithms;
  •  Is not responsible for the application of the result and for financial risks;
  •  Is hired for a position.

This role is a classic performer: the leader sets the task of automating a particular process, the developer performs this.

In the modern world, the developer is combined with several more roles
which will be described below.

 This role is often segmented according to the division of responsibilities:

  •  Back-end developer – software and hardware developer of complex software;
  •  Front-end developer – developer of the client-side user interface to the software and hardware part.

 Also, the role is segmented by platforms for which the development is carried out, for example:

 Web, Mobile; Server-Side, etc.

User Experience Designer (UX)


  •  Is engaged in the production of user experience maps;
  •  Is responsible for the application of the result, but is not responsible for financial risks;
  •  Is hired for a position.
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This role examines and evaluates how users feel about the software being developed.  They identify the ease of use of the software, the perceived value of the software, the usefulness of the software, and the effectiveness of the software. 

They think over and evaluate the processes and scenarios for using the software.

This steering wheel is mistakenly confused and sometimes combined with the role of the UI Designer (see below).  UX vs UI Designer differ not only in the subject area but also in the specifics of thinking.  UX Designer is more about analytics and organization than about ergonomics and aesthetics.

User Interface Designer (UI)


  •  Is engaged in the production of the graphical component of interfaces;
  •  Is not responsible for the application of the result and for financial risks;
  •  Is hired for a position.

 This role develops the visual part of the user interface.  The main goals of a UI designer are intuitive perception, simplicity, usability, and aesthetics of the software interface.

Quality Assurance (QA)


  •  Checks the result
  •  Is not responsible for the application of the result and for financial risks;
  •  Is hired for a position.

QA is engaged in testing everything, no matter how strange it may sound.

The systematic approach of a QA specialist allows testing both the program code and the thoughtfulness of the user experience maps.

Also, a very important aspect of the work of a QA specialist is planning, that is, the ability to draw up a test plan, follow it, and prepare reports according to the prepared plan.

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Human Resource (HR)


  •  Is engaged in the initial selection of candidates according to the requirements
  •  Bears partial responsibility for the result, but is not responsible for financial risks;
  •  Is hired for a position.

HR is engaged in the initial selection of candidates according to the requirements, and ensures a transparent passage of all stages of interviews for employment.

The HRs learn every aspect of human resources through human resources courses online. Furthermore, they gain insight into how such strategies are designed, executed, and managed globally.

 HR responsibilities are often intertwined with the next role, which in most labor markets is interpreted the way company management wants.

Team Leader


  •  Is responsible for the work of a group of specialists;
  •  Is responsible for teamwork does not bear financial risks;
  •  Grown in a team.

Team Leader provides comfortable

Working conditions of the team and maintaining a high level of its efficiency.  This role does not have to know the specifics of the team’s work thoroughly. 

For example, if we are talking about Team Leader in a development group, then he does not have to be a programmer, it is enough for him to have knowledge about the organization of labor, the processes occurring during production. 

But in practice, it has historically developed that the most seasoned programmers are put in this position, which is a classic management mistake.

There are actually even more roles in IT.  However, today we have considered the most basic and their features.



Author’s Bio

Jav Zeb is a young and spirited British author with expertise in tutorial writing and product reviewing. She has completed AAT from the London School of Business and Finance, Birmingham. Interests: Drawing, Painting, Blog Writing, Interior Decor, and Reading. Living in: Erdington, Birmingham, West Midlands, UK. You may reach her at [email protected].

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Last Updated By on January 9th, 2022 in Learning

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