Last Updated: June 01, 2020.
Finding Ways
Because of the recent wave of uncertainty regarding health, Microsoft had no choice but to indefinitely close their cafés and food stores. The consequence of this should have been cutting ties with their food suppliers and catering services to stem unneeded spending and also because such services were no longer necessary.
Well, you’ll see, it’s not just these stores that were negatively impacted; virtually almost every school in the states is closed and this severely penalizes those less well-off families that depend on these institutions for their everyday subsistence meals. And this gave Microsoft an idea: instead of shunning away from the nutritious supplies they receive, why not repurpose all of it? So they began, with a team of 60-65 diligent volunteers, packaging and sending their foodstuffs to the doorsteps of the affected groups.
So far 120,000 lunches have been delivered through this idea and still counting. This action brought about more welfare in the form of 1,300 food servicing employees associated with Microsoft being able to retain their jobs and income in this shaky time. This was an admirable decision on Microsoft’s part, indeed one with far-reaching positive implications.
Who Can Take Exam DP-200?
You can also be on the receiving end of promising results. Surpassing Microsoft exams and attaining their established credentials inevitably makes it so.
For instance, if you happen to be a data engineer for the Microsoft Azure platform who can provide storage facilities for data, collect it in batches, put to use security measures and retention policies for such info, and pinpoint causes of lagging performance, and also someone who is able to use Azure services like Azure Blob storage, Microsoft DP-200 VCE Practice Test, and Azure Cosmos DB, then Microsoft has the perfect exam for you, which is DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution assessment, which evaluates your abilities to deal with storing, processing, and optimizing data.
If you want to sit for this test, then you’ll have to pay an entry fee of
$165. And in the main exam, you’ll have to face a maximum of 60 tasks with
150 minutes to finish them. Passing this test gains you credit towards the
related certification.
To actually obtain your Microsoft Certified Azure Data Engineer Associate badge you need to flatten DP-201: Designing an Azure Data Solution as well.
Study Smart
Now that you know what it takes to participate in Microsoft DP-200 Practice Test, what are some intelligent ways to study for it then? Here are some pointers:
- As you prepare, you will obviously hit brick walls. Perhaps, concepts or skills you’re still fuzzy about. Taking part in a discussion can provide valuable insights which solve the problem. And the best way to do this would be online communities and forums like Facebook, Quora, or Reddit, because you will be able to interact directly with past candidates, present examinees, and certified IT teachers on these platforms and receive spontaneous feedback to your questions.
- Another similar approach is to form study groups with friends. The benefit here is each individual might have inherent qualities which make them good at different topics, so they can share their knowledge for the group’s joint understanding. Moreover, problem-solving tough exam questions are made easier as different people approach tasks in different ways. You can also communicate ideas back and forth instantly amongst a hub of friends.
- Reading through your study materials for DP-200 over and over is counterproductive as you won’t retain as much as you hoped for. This is because of the passive nature of this method which does awake certain chambers of the brain. To do this requires taking notes on what you just read according to what YOU understood, not by writing down the exact lines from your reference material. Using this approach every time you study allows you to remember more things and for a much longer time.
- Like any Microsoft test, you need to have practical experience with your subject, in this case with Microsoft Azure. This is a powerful platform with a plethora of diverse features capable of a vast number of functions. Each feature has its own subsets that define more precisely what solutions you might be looking for. It takes a while to familiarize yourself with all these features and you learn by trial and error, so the sooner you start using the interface, the better your odds of doing good in the exam.
- Lastly, you need to take a lot of exams dumps to judge your current standing and the rate of your improvement. You can do this with that provides you with a lot of free DP-200 braindumps and this helps figure out the sort of questions that tend to come and the structure of the upcoming assessment.
If you need more help, then you can buy the DP-200 Premium Bundle at a price of $34.99 from that includes expert-verified answers to 192 past questions from the Microsoft DP-200 test as well as a video training course of 69 lectures. To open these dumps from you’ll need the VCE Exam Simulator and this will simulate the whole testing environment of DP-200 for you, and so gives you the right preparation.
Increase Dexterity
This role-based assessment is relatively new and is becoming quite a household name, meaning you can gear up for it without worries of it being retired soon. The syntax of databases is becoming increasingly complex and it needs more than just a data admin to take care of it.
The Microsoft DP-200 will run you through the skills you need to thrive in all data-related occupations. So use those trustworthy and concise exams dumps from to excel at DP-200 on your first go and make that a start towards achieving your Microsoft Certified Azure Data Engineer Associate certification.