5 Benefits Of Using Managed IT Services For Your Business

By: Jav Zeb Iqbal.
Last Updated: April 16, 2021.

One thing that’s common among enduring companies and multinational giants is that they’re very good at what they do. This seems to be a fundamental trait shared by high-performing companies: the services they offer are in their area of expertise.

This is perhaps no less important in Information Technology (IT) than it is in business operations. So, if IT service management isn’t your main thing, and more so if you aren’t doing a great job at it, then you might as well hire someone else to handle the IT aspect of your business for you.

Hiring a third-party entity to provide managed IT services for your business can result in numerous benefits which you won’t get if you’re to keep your own in-house staff to monitor, maintain, and address your IT needs. Here are some of those benefits:

Cost Efficiency

The most obvious benefit you can get from hiring managed IT services is that it can help you save costs. You don’t have to maintain your own IT department with several teams or staff assigned to handle multiple areas in IT support service and maintenance.

You’ll save on costs for hiring and maintaining more employees because you don’t need to employ a lot of IT staff. Although IT companies will do a lot of work for your company, their work process is more streamlined, and their systems are more advanced.

IT companies are able to optimize their resources and leverage their
efficiency. If you do the math, it’ll be obvious that their fees are
much less than what you would’ve spent on your own IT staff.

Piggybacking On The Core Competencies Of IT

Getting a managed IT service is also like piggybacking on their core competence and expertise. You also get to enjoy services that are always updated, including new trends in IT.

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In the same way that it took your company years, if not decades, to gain the core competence you have in your industry, these IT companies also took ages to build up their own organizational expertise.

The thing with IT is that it’s built on technology. Technology-based services constantly change and improve so they can stay ahead of the competition. This is something their clients will also benefit from, as they can also stay updated on the latest developments.

Staying abreast of the latest developments in technology requires constantly keeping pace with the newest advancements, and even the upcoming ones.

If you’re trying to manage your IT for your business by yourself, you’ll have to give your staff ample time to learn the newest technology and software. This often involves having to spend for their training outside the company premises or hiring another person to train them properly.

Hiring a managed IT service will help save your company from all the expenses and work needed to stay updated about the newest technology that may impact your business in one way or another.

You Can Call For Support Anytime

One of the most important benefits you can get from hiring a managed IT service company is 24/7 customer support. This is often included in all packages, although in some providers, it’s either an add-on or a feature that only comes with higher packages. 

There are a lot of IT service companies that offer this feature. You can shop around by asking for a quote, or request for proposals based on your company’s needs and budget.  This way, you’ll be able to optimize the spending power of every dollar you allocate for your company’s IT expenditures.

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While many offshore IT support services are available and offer affordable rates, it’s still best to hire a local IT managed service provider. Hiring a local company, such as an IT support Melbourne service provider, is a great way to obtain the full range of services and technical assistance you need round-the-clock. With a local company, you can visit them physically for direct services. Moreover, you can contact them easily without paying a hefty phone bill, unlike in distance calls.

In addition, working with a local IT support company ensures that all cybersecurity needs and IT aspects of your business are considered. A local IT service company can understand your needs better because you run a business in the same geographical area. Hence, the economic, political, social, and other factors are also taken into account.

Flexibility In Scaling Up/Down 

Another benefit of getting managed IT services is that it gives you the option to scale up or down depending on the operational requirements of your company.

If you’re still a new company with more limited IT requirements, then you can look for an IT service company that’s willing to provide only the services that you need for now at a price that’s affordable to your company.

As your company grows, and your IT requirements change over time, you’ll have the option to review your contract with your managed IT service provider and add new options and services as your company grows. 

In the event you need to reduce your resources for some reason, you can also downgrade the services you’re paying for.

Better Cybersecurity

Ironically, when you get someone to provide and maintain security for your network infrastructure and systems, they tend to do a better job at it than if you were to hire in-house staff to do it.

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One explanation is that they generally have more experience and have acquired more expertise in identifying, troubleshooting, and resolving IT issues. So, your business is at a lower risk of encountering data breaches, ransomware, and cyberattacks.

They service numerous companies with diverse issues and have likely encountered more difficult challenges. They’re also more updated on the latest in cybersecurity.

Value For Dollar

Any business can benefit so much from hiring a third-party managed IT service company. You can cut down your costs on IT resources while also getting more specialized services; you get to piggyback on the expertise, competence, and experience of your service provider; you have access to on-call support; you can even scale your services up or down easily. And, finally, your company will stay updated on the latest technology that can help your business grow faster.


Author’s Bio

Jav Zeb is a young and spirited British author with expertise in tutorial writing and product reviewing. She has completed AAT from the London School of Business and Finance, Birmingham. Interests: Drawing, Painting, Blog Writing, Interior Decor, and Reading. Living in: Erdington, Birmingham, West Midlands, UK. You may reach her at [email protected].



Last Updated By on April 16th, 2021 in Learning

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