How Do VPNs Improve Security?

By: Jav Zeb Iqbal.
Last Updated: February 2, 2021.

Today, we use the internet for many activities. Wireless networks are available everywhere and these access points make it easy to reach the internet on the go. There are however many accompanying dangers that come with being connected to a public network.

We use the internet to send and receive very sensitive information. This includes sending emails, online shopping, credit card transactions, and settling bills. 

Sharing such data over public networks exposes your vulnerability to a security breach. Sniffers will easily decode your data and avail it to third parties tracking your activity. With a little know-how, strangers on the same network can monitor your online activity and collect enough data to harm you.

 If you spend a lot of time connected to wireless networks, you should
 consider putting in place the relevant security measures. VPNs offer a
 reliable solution for these security risks. 

Virtual private Networks typically ensure security over Wireless networks by using encryption to scramble the data being sent. This makes it considerably harder for third parties to eavesdrop and monitor your online activity.

Public wireless networks expose you to numerous threats on the internet. VPNs guarantee you online anonymity by hiding your IP address so your activity online cannot be tracked.

These characteristics make VPNs an ideal consideration for individuals looking to ensure their security and data privacy online. Online information is very lucrative for malicious people, and that’s why you need

How VPNs Work

VPNs build a hidden tunnel that allows your data to discretely move from your remote network to an exit node located very far away. This makes your activity look like it is originating somewhere else allowing you to freely navigate the internet while protecting your personal data.


A VPN additionally encrypts the data you are sending making it unreadable for third parties unless they have the exact decryption key. This makes sure that you are the only one who can access your personal data and online activity logs. 

Internet Service Providers are able to get a full report of your online history. VPNs deny them this ability allowing you to keep your browsing history secret. Activity from your network will be presumed to originate from the IP address on the VPN server.

Companies providing VPN services have servers based all over the world and
this activity is masked to appear as it came from one of these locations.
The same privacy is extended to search engines that track your online activity
and location.

Your browsing history is a reflection of your personal life. You may want to keep this data to yourself and away from malicious hands. VPNs can be used to guarantee the safety of your online activity logs. You may be looking into a matter you want to keep private and need to secure the browsing data. If you do not use a VPN, this data is not encrypted and can be accessed by third parties.

The search engines in particular will tailor ads related to this data and begin to throw them at you. This could make for very awkward situations and draw attention to your private matters. Private browsers are not able to guarantee similar levels of security. Internet service providers are also free to collect your data from your browsing history and sell it to third parties.

With the right tools and relevant knowledge, malicious people can use your IP address to access and monitor your internet activity. This IP address can also be used to backtrace the location of your device. Third parties can use these tools to monitor you in search of vulnerabilities. Using a VPN gives you a new IP address allowing you to be anonymous and free online while it protects your location and the accompanying personal data.

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Advantages of VPNs

VPNs can be used to safeguard all your devices from cyber-attacks. When these devices are connected to a public network without VPN protection, they can be easily accessed by cybercriminals in search of sensitivity. A VPN will protect your data across all these devices.

Government surveillance has become a dicey topic today. Many governments are believed to be both legally and illegally monitoring their citizens’ activity on the internet.

They do this by pushing Internet Service Providers to grant them access to your online activity logs. Using a VPN makes it impossible for these ISPs to record all of your data and activity. This means these agencies can’t get a hold of your data for whatever reason. 

Identity theft is a fast-rising online security concern. This aspect of cybercrime is difficult to investigate and control. Cybercriminals are using the internet’s framework to mine people’s personal data for malicious reasons. This data is collected and used for criminal endeavors in the victim’s name while keeping themselves anonymous. They gather data on your banking, taxes, and property which they can use to rob you.


VPNs are a capable control measure against this. By encrypting your information and masking your IP address, you are making it harder for these people to access your information. This shows how effective VPN use is against identity theft.

Using VPNs can be an effective way of saving you online costs. These days internet service providers tend to adjust bandwidth rates depending on location and usage. This means that people get to spend more as they access more online services. To keep your finances from falling victim to this, you can utilize a VPN to mask and keep changing your IP address. This gives them a hard time while throttling your bandwidth. 


Before entrusting a VPN service with your online security, be sure to assess its service packages and terms and conditions. Some VPN services are free but utilize redundant security protocols and are quick to share your personal data with third parties.

Paid VPN services guarantee a more secure and reliable experience. While these top VPN providers are a capable security measure against online attacks, they are not able to safeguard you against physical data theft. It is advisable that you utilize additional security measures to safeguard your personal data both online and offline.


Author’s Bio

Jav Zeb is a young and spirited British author with expertise in tutorial writing and product reviewing. She has completed AAT from the London School of Business and Finance, Birmingham. Interests: Drawing, Painting, Blog Writing, Interior Decor, and Reading. Living in: Erdington, Birmingham, West Midlands, UK. You may reach her at [email protected].



Last Updated By on February 2nd, 2021 in VPN

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