CCleaner 5.39.6399

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Developed By Piriform Ltd | (Version 5.39.6399) | 10th of February, 2018 | (100% Clean – Tested). 

CCleaner 2018 version 5.39.6399 (setup for Windows PC) with an improved “Disk Analyzer” exists as the most efficacious cleaner to black out every dirt and unnecessary files while at the same time boosts computer speed up to a considerable extent.

Editor’s Note: CCleaner 5.39 is a bang-up utility to boost browsers (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera Mini and Windows Explorer) speed by whipping out history files, cookies, obsolete registry keys, caches, autocomplete data and badly done installations among many other things. Engrossingly CCleaner now supports Web apps that employ HTML database storage to make sure any superfluous data generated by the application can be removed.

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CCleaner 5.39.6399: Product’s Review:

   Technical Details 
 . Nomenclature: CCleaner.
 . Genre: OS Tweaking.
 . Updated On: 10th Of February, 2018.
 . Official: CCleaner.Com.
 . Version: 5.39.6399.
 . Compatibility: 32 & 64 Bit.
 . Operating System:  Windows 10/8/7.
 . License: Freeware.
 . Setup Size: 10.69 MBs.

No matter, what Operating System a PC is operating with (Windows, MacOs, iOS, Ubuntu, etc.) it can be despondent when the computer is hanging, even if at all it tends to work correctly, it takes like forever to open a window or perform a function. It’s vital to know that when your computer speed is slow compared to what you had when it was new, it’s not the computer’s fault or the OS, it’s because of one thing, no CCleaner on the computer. As the name implies CCleaner is like a pre-eminent program for every operating system, and a denial to the statement seems quite eccentric.In one way or the other, most software used on PC generates some data that are not needed for anything vital, therefore amassing and eating up hard drive space and with this computer program which is solely designed with capabilities to help PC users extirpate all junks and temp files from their computer while they relish fast processing speed. So just lean back and enjoy the ambiance of the fresher operating system, every time you do the tasks with CCleaner latest.

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  • Lighter On System Resources.
  • Cushy To Work With.
  • Optimized Scanning Engine.
  • Stable & Improved.
  • Customizable.
  •  Some False-Positives.

The software is cushy and user-friendly, having a sleek and intuitive interface, it gives a quick entree for users to see the various file types and section they choose to extirpate. When browsing the internet, the browser saves a whole lot of junks that you can ever imagine and no wonder your browser is moving with a flash speed when first installed but now it’s more or less like a crawling snail. The program can tweak a ponderous browser in many ways like temporary files extirpator, history cleaning, and registry skimming, and all these make it a customizable utility in itself. Without muddying usability, it performs excellently in the background behind a mammoth array of configurations, and with the latest version, users can ameliorate their privacy (by erasing browser history and stored cookies). This is a dandy deal software because it’s a sure thing that you can’t get a better cleaner than this optimization utility tool that offers so many handy lineaments.






CCleaner 5.39.6399: Salient Product Features:

  • System Clean-up

There is so much unwanted stuff on the system and all these things occupy a lot of space on the hard disc while slowing downing computer processing with this spic and span release of CCleaner, exterminate files that are Windows Log, Memory Dump, Error Reporting, improper installation, Temp, Chkdsk Fragments and more.

  • Windows and Internet Explorer
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Remove from Windows Explorer junks like used network passwords, recently opened docs, jump lists, thumbnail caches and for users having Internet Explorer as their ducky browser, whip away autocomplete form history, cookies, Index.dat, browsing history, saved passkeys, and more.

  • Various Browser Support

With the high lineament, it seems this effective system cleaner is made only for the Explorers (Windows and Internet), but that’s not true because the software supports other popularly known browsers such as Google Chrome, Opera Mini, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc. All these browsers can be precluded from been overloaded with browsing data accumulated because it will emphatically reduce the performance of the browser in terms of speed.

  • Boost System Speed

In case you haven’t grokked of what we’ve been saying about PC slowing down because of some useless files saved by the user during installation, playing games or browsing, here is a good example. Imaging the 2017 fastest man on the earth (Christian Coleman) running with two iron rods (500kg each) on his shoulder…yeah, sure you got it right. Not only will it clean the system but also improve the speed to ensure the user has a pleasant experience working on their PC.

  • Application Clean-Up

A popular application such Google Earth, Microsoft Office, GIMP, Adobe Acrobat are now added to the software meaning all these apps can now be pruned to make them work efficiently as they perform their functions.

  • New tools

Tools like file finder (to help users locate their duplicate files), Startup Manager, Drive Wiper (to erase sensitive data) and a Registry Redactor has been added to enhance the performance of the programming language.

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What’s Got Fixed?

  • The software checking for updates every time in a short space of time has been fixed.
  • Error (opening a file for writing) is fixed.
  • Improved file analyzer.
  • Some Bugs from the previous releases also got fixed.
  • In some case on XP where CCleaner is precluded from opening Windows has been fixed.
  • Engaged tabs can no longer be removed.

Download CCleaner 5.39.6399:

An offline setup installer for CCleaner version 5.39.6399 is available here for both 32-Bit and 64-Bit system architectures, proceed with the download button below.


                                                                     CCleaner Setup Installer

Last Updated By on February 10th, 2018 in utility

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