Linux Download Free Desktop Edition (Operating System)

Download and install latest Linux Operating System Desktop Edition for free.Linux is an open source, stable and one of the most secured OS around (32-64 Bit).

Linux: Product Review:

Linux operating system is free to download, use and share. Computing has been made even easier with this evolutionary advancement in operating system’s world. In addition to serve the needs for desktop devices (Laptop, Tablets, PC) Linux is also a preferred choice for web servers to host websites with ease, security and better performance. Different choices, distributions or flavours are being provided, including CentOs, Ubuntu, Gentoo, Redhat Fedora, Cloud Linux, Debian and Kali Linux.

Ubuntu is one of the most liked, most used and reliable Linux flavor to run your applications with smartness and security. Desktop edition of Unbuntu is pre-loaded with all needed apps like Office suite, media apps, built-in games, Email and every thing you ever needed to exist in a handsome OS environment. Ubuntu could be launched quite easily from Windows platform with 40 or more languages and translations. While providing a free operating system for user’s need Ubuntu desktop version is blessed with an open source environment which can be modified to maximum performance boost, ever need by top developers across the globe. Above all the most captivating offer is, the availability of edition for free of cost, Yes no headache to renew licence monthly or yearly.

Linux Download Free

As this tutorial is about Ubuntu desktop edition latest, so the next stage is to discuss something about the security of OS itself and user data with this amazing flavor. With a pre-loaded system security and virus protection mechanism Ubuntu is considered as one of the most safest workspace for everything you want to do. Another important aspect which is adding an extra point to prefer Linux over windows based OS is, a huge Linux community which is always considered as a dedicated one to assist users about how to install Linux on windows, how to fix errors during Linux (Ubuntu) install or how to deal with different flavors of Linux or any other problem relating operations, performance and security.

CHECK ALSO:  Ubuntu Desktop Edition Free Download

Linux Download Free OS

In addition to availability in both 32 bit and 64 bit processor bases system, your favorite Ubuntu desktop version is equipped with a lot more to be discussed about, See pertinent features in list below.

Linux: Salient Features:

  1. Simple and stable.
  2. Experience more power than Windows.
  3. Most secure environment and free from bugs and latest spyware intrusion.
  4. Availability of multiple flavors.
  5. Community forums and developers workplace to share problems.
  6. Modifications can be made.
  7. Apps world, Skype, Firefox, Vlc Player, Thunderbird, Twitter, Google Chrome and a lot more from Ubuntu Apps Directory.
  8. Free of cost.
  9. Freedom of choice.
  10. Improved performance.
  11. And tons of other features.

Linux Download Free unbutu

Our Suggestion About Ubuntu Desktop Edition:

Believe me its really free to download and operate, plus for five years you don’t need to worry about updates and patches, as every thing is controlled and pre-defined quite intelligently. Thousand’s are applications are just on a single click away plus security features are exceptional enough to make your mind switching to Ubuntu. So our vote is up for the flavor and we recommend viewers to give it a try now.

Linux Download Free desktop edition

How to Download Linux Free Desktop Edition (Operating System):

All you need is, to click the button of your choice (separately provided for 32 bit, 64 bit ISO images for Linux Ubuntu Desktop edition 13.10) and download will be started straightway.


                                                     32 Bit Ubuntu Desktop Edition

CHECK ALSO:  Windows 8.1 Download Official 32 Bit 64 Bit ISO


                                                     64 Bit Ubuntu Desktop Edition

Last Updated By on February 15th, 2016 in Operating Systems

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