LDPlayer 3.78.2

LDPlayer 3.78.2

LDPlayer is a freeware Android emulator that is wholly converged for flawlessly running all contemporary and popular Android smartphone games directly on your PC. LDPlayer 3.78.2: Product’s Review    Technical Details.  . Title: LDPlayer.  . Genre: Android Emulators.  . Updated On: 16th of December, 2019.  . Official: LDPlayer.Net.  . Version: 3.78.2. .…Read More



IOTransfer 3 unpacks a conspicuous way to manage the iDevices by backing up and transferring the data (music, photos, videos, voice memos, and Ebooks, etc.) to PC; further, it’s broadly appreciated for freeing up space on the device. IOTransfer 3: Product’s Review    Technical Details.  . Nomenclature: IOTransfer 3.  . Genre: iDevices Data Transfer.  . Updated…Read More

iTunes 12.8

iTunes 12.8

iTunes 12.8 brings some performance-based improvements focusing on discovering and managing your favorite music, TV shows, songs, podcasts, movies, and audiobooks. iTunes 12.8: Product’s Review    Technical Details.  . Nomenclature: Apple iTunes.  . Genre: Multimedia/Backup Tools.  . Updated On: 24th of June, 2018.  . Official: Apple.Com.  . Version: 12.8.  . Compatibility: 32 & 64 Bit.  . Operating System: …Read More

AnyTrans For Cloud

AnyTrans For Cloud

AnyTrans for cloud is primarily a flexible data manager for a user to securely manage the cloud drives on Google Drive, iCloud, pCloud, Dropbox, Box, and OneDrive. AnyTrans For Cloud: Product’s Review    Technical Details.  . Nomenclature: AnyTrans for Cloud.  . Genre: Data Transfer.  . Updated On: 17th of July, 2018.  . Official: iMobie.Com.  . Version: 6.3.5…Read More

.NET Framework 4.7.2

.NET Framework 4.7.2

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 (setup for Windows PC) serves the developers community with a practical cross-platform foundation for developing desktop applications and stunning games. The runtime environment gets installed with .NET Framework redistributable package. .NET Framework 4.7.2: Product’s Review    Technical Details.  . Nomenclature: .NET Framework 4.7.2.  . Genre: Application Development.  . Updated On: 22nd Of…Read More

Xpadder 5.3

Xpadder 5.3

Xpadder version 5.3 (setup for Windows PC) works as a pragmatic emulator for keyboard and mouse which supports the PC games with limited or no joystick support. The program is being widely appreciated for the added controller support and vibration forces. Xpadder 5.3: Product’s Review    Technical Details.  . Nomenclature: Xpadder 5.3.  . Genre:…Read More