5 Tools That Will Help You to Write College Papers

By: Jav Zeb Iqbal.
Last Updated: December 03, 2020.

A compelling college paper requires all the resources and tactics available. It needs attention to formatting, grammar, layout, and citations, among other aspects. Get the best accounting homework help from professionals who will help you deliver an A+ grade paper


The internet has numerous tools that will make writing easier as well as help you to deliver a high-quality paper. Most of these tools are free or available at a minimal fee. They will make your paper and the writing process easier yet rewarding. Here are tools every college student should have in order to produce a captivating paper. 


While it is not directly related to writing, it enhances your productivity while you write, It will take your mind away from websites or online activities that waste time.

It blocks access to certain websites and platforms like social media, enabling you to focus on the task at hand. 

StayFocused is available on desktops, laptops, tablets, and app on your phone. It helps you to set an alert allowing you to study for a particular duration without interference. You may also set to spend a few minutes on the site. Once the time is over, the app will block or close it down. 

Staying focused helps you to deliver more insightful content. You will also be more productive in your assignment, enabling you to meet deadlines as well as avoid a last-minute rush. StayFocused helps you to account for your time better


One of the aspects of writing that make an academic paper boring is repetition. You use the same word too many times that the reader is fatigued perusing through your paper.

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What if you got more dynamic with works and use the most appropriate one for your paper? OneLook has come to your rescue with the ability to look up words with similar meaning for use in your writing.

It can be installed on a laptop, desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. It makes your paperless repetitive and, therefore, interesting to read. 


The grammar on your paper is as important as the ideas you are discussing. If grammar is not right, your ideas will be misrepresented. A typo could mislead the entire discussion, causing the ideas to be misinterpreted. Grammarly is one of the best college paper writing tools to eliminate these errors and make the paper more interesting to read. 

It highlights wrong spelling, poor word choices, repetition, passive language, and incoherent sentences. By the time you complete writing the paper, it will be clear of grammatical errors. It feels like writing with an editor watching over your work. It results in a concise and interesting to read the paper. 


Organizing your research and study materials helps you to produce better quality work. Evernote is designed to assist you to collect these materials and place them in a format that is easy to retrieve. The notes and research materials can be organized into topics, chapters, and even study disciplines. It will make it easier to retrieve the materials when you need them. 

Evernote allows you to store materials in such PDF, images, and text, among other formats. You can search for materials through the search feature instead of looking through the entire platform wondering where a file is located. The app can be installed on phone, helping you to continue studying while on the go. 

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Once you have done the heavy lifting, it is time to indicate the sources of the materials used in your research paper. Remember that citation will make or break your academic work. All the materials borrowed from other writers must be attributed to a source. The best tool for that purpose is CiteThisForMe. 

CiteThisForMe allows you to choose a formatting style. You then enter the details of the author, publisher, volume of publication, and title of the reference material, among other details. At the click of a button, your citation or bibliography will be generated. It saves time while at the same time ensuring total accuracy. 

Writing tools make your work easier while helping you to produce better quality work. Choose tools that have received positive reviews and whose features make your paper more compelling to read. While you pay for some of the features, it will transform your college experience. 


Author’s Bio

Jav Zeb is a young and spirited British author with expertise in tutorial writing and product reviewing. She has completed AAT from the London School of Business and Finance, Birmingham. Interests: Drawing, Painting, Blog Writing, Interior Decor, and Reading. Living in: Erdington, Birmingham, West Midlands, UK. You may reach her at [email protected].



Last Updated By on December 3rd, 2020 in Reviews

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